5 Important Questions for Parents to Ask About a School Trip


Today, when a teacher announces an upcoming field trip, many parents immediately start asking, “Is it safe to travel?” Parents, more than anyone, want to ensure their children’s safety before they embark on new adventures.

Here are five key questions parents should consider regarding school trips, along with the reasons why knowing the answers is crucial.

1. How will they get there, and how will they stay safe during transit?

Students can travel to their destinations in various ways. For short trips, such as an afternoon outing to the zoo, a yellow school bus may suffice. However, for longer excursions, like a multi-night journey to the Historic East Coast, they might take an airplane or a motor coach. Depending on the destination, some groups opt for public transit, ferries, or even bicycles!

Former trip leader Julie recalls a personal experience that taught her the importance of being prepared:

I once had a student break down in tears as we boarded a dinner cruise on a school trip to Washington, D.C. She was terrified of being on the water. If I had known ahead of time, I could have better prepared to help her cope or arranged alternate plans.

If your child has health conditions like asthma or motion sickness, it’s vital to inform the trip leader before departure. Most schools require an adult to carry prescribed medications, and parents must sign a medical release; therefore, ensure you understand the procedures for sending medication.

We’ve listened to the concerns of many parents regarding travel safety, and here are some strategies we implement to keep our travelers safe:

  • Choosing Reliable Travel Partners: We maintain strong relationships with the vendors we work with on our tours. All hotels, restaurants, and transportation companies prioritize safety and hygiene. Shane Lauler, Vice-President of Starr Tours (a leading motorcoach company), recently shared insights on new sanitation practices on our buses.
  • Maintaining Distance: During the tour, students operate in smaller “travel pods.” Those sharing a hotel room also travel together on the bus, dine together, and have the same chaperone each day. The entire group makes a concerted effort to stay distanced from other groups while moving through the city. We also equip our tour groups with headsets, allowing them to hear their tour guide on a private channel, which helps them maintain distance while visiting museums, monuments, and historic sites.

2. What activities will be offered?

Travel provides students with the chance to experience new cultures and apply their classroom knowledge in real-world settings. Tour operators handle all planning, booking, and itinerary finalization on behalf of the trip leaders. If you travel with NationsClassroom, your itinerary is tailored to fit your group’s needs, ensuring amazing hands-on learning experiences at every stop.

3. What will they learn?

In our conversation with Shane Lauler, Vice-President of Starr Tours, she expressed her belief that student travel will be among the first sectors to bounce back post-crisis. She mentioned this based on her observations as a parent and her experiences with others:

During any crisis, parents and students rely heavily on the valuable experiences that come from traveling and extending their learning outside of the classroom. There’s simply nothing like firsthand learning. We know that parents will always make it a priority to help their kids get back on the road for new experiences, even when facing financial challenges. Investing in their children’s education remains a top priority.

While the destination may vary, the learning opportunities during the trip are what truly matter. Whether students tour George Washington’s Mount Vernon, ascend the Top of the Rock Observatory, or walk along Boston’s Freedom Trail, travel opens the door to exciting new knowledge beyond the classroom walls.

Check out our posts about the diverse learning experiences available on educational tours.

5 Questions Parents Should Ask About a School Trip

4. Who is responsible for student safety?

You may have heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” This applies equally to student travel. From the start of the planning process to the moment the students return home, numerous individuals work diligently behind the scenes to ensure everything goes smoothly. Here’s a brief overview of the primary roles involved:

  • Trip Leader: This is typically the teacher (or parent) overseeing your student’s trip. They coordinate with the tour operator, plan the itinerary, and communicate important details with parents.
  • Chaperones: Usually teachers or parent volunteers selected by the Trip Leader, chaperones are tasked with keeping track of their assigned groups, carrying emergency medications, and performing room checks before bedtime.
  • Tour Operator: This organization collaborates with the trip leader to manage all travel arrangements, including overnight security, cash allotments, and tour guide services. If you choose to travel with NationsClassroom, they also handle trip registration and payment plans.
  • Tour Guide: Your tour guide greets the group upon arrival in the destination city and remains with them until returning home. They travel on the bus, navigate through busy areas, and educate students about various landmarks and historical sites.
  • On-Site Coordinator: The On-Site Coordinator manages the itinerary in the background. They typically assist with hotel check-ins and provide the trip leader with daily packets containing tickets, cash, and printed itineraries.

Rest assured, there will always be someone dedicated to protecting the students and ensuring their safety.

5. What are the expectations, including dos and don’ts?

Before the trip, students are usually required to sign a behavioral contract, although specific rules regarding dress codes or technology usage may vary by school. One of the most crucial rules for students to follow while traveling is to always listen to their Trip Leader. If they comply and stay with their group, they will have a great time on the trip.

Travel can significantly impact a student’s life. If you have any questions regarding the planning of a student trip, please leave a comment or reach out to one of our Student Travel Consultants.

Originally published in October 2017, updated in August 2024.


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