Discovering Petra on a Donkey – Seattle’s Adventures


I extended my leg and twirled my toes in a futile attempt to gauge the distance to the ground far below.

It was pointless. I had no idea how high I was; all I knew was that my legs were dangling over the edge of a cliff, and the only thing holding me steady was the old donkey I was perched on.

Taking a deep breath, I tightened my grip on the small tuft of blankets in front of me and reassured myself that my trusty four-legged companion knew what it was doing. After all, it wouldn’t just throw itself off a cliff… would it?

Walking through Petra’s Siq was just as exhilarating as the donkey ride, albeit with a different kind of thrill. While it didn’t make my heart race like the ride did, I was hardly able to contain my excitement at the prospect of finally seeing the magnificent Treasury.

I found myself rushing ahead of the group, occasionally glancing back to see if they were catching up, only to sprint forward again like an eager fan.

The walls of the Siq undulated in captivating waves of color and texture, rising from the dusty ground and opening up to reveal the expansive blue sky, shaped by the rocky silhouettes of abstract trees and birds.

Sky openings reminiscent of a soaring hawk.

And then, I saw it.

As I moved forward, the rocks seemed to part like a sandstone vortex, unveiling the rosy facade of the Treasury. With each step, the opening became wider until I stood directly in front of it, only a couple of grumbling camels between us.

At that moment, I finally stood before Petra’s Treasury, my heart swelling with happiness.

The Treasury was certainly worth the trip, but Petra is a vast site filled with historical significance and stunning rock-cut architecture.

With only one day to explore, I wanted to see everything, but I knew I couldn’t manage it all on foot.

So, what was the solution? Hire a donkey.

The first ride took us up to the Monastery. It was a bit bumpy and required some getting used to, but in comparison to what lay ahead that day, it felt like a breeze. We nearly brushed past a few pedestrians on our way up, but ultimately made it to the top in one piece.

The Monastery was nothing short of enchanting and completely unexpected. Although I had seen photos of both landmarks, I never realized that the Monastery and the Treasury were, in fact, two distinct and very different sites.

I ordered a fresh limonana, leaned back in my chair, and admired the magnificent monument before me before descending the mountain on foot.

There were countless sites to explore, including tombs, temples, and amphitheaters.


On the way, we encountered another group of donkeys and began our ascent to the upper viewpoints. We had seen photos of the Treasury from above and asked our guides for the quickest route to that spot. They chose a path, and off we went.

Getting up the mountain was the easy part. We arrived safely, dismounted, and began the final hiking leg to marvel at the sites of Petra from a higher vantage point.

The view was absolutely breathtaking—probably the best of the entire trip and certainly one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. However, it wasn’t just the view that made this experience unforgettable; it was the descent down the mountain that will remain etched in my memory.

A voice jolted me back to reality as I continued to dangle my toes above the precipice.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“I said, this is the most dangerous part,” my guide replied, maintaining a serious expression.

I looked down, and my eyes widened in shock.

Before I could voice my concern, my donkey teetered at the edge and began sliding down the well-worn sandstone slope, its hooves seeming to dance precariously over each other as we rapidly descended.

For a moment, I feared we wouldn’t stop—certainly, we might slip on the smooth surface and tumble over the ledge into the abyss. We were moving so fast that I barely had time to think. I clutched the blankets tightly, leaned back, and focused on the ground rushing toward me.


The ride was unstable, rough, and bumpy. It was rapid, jerky, and jarring. It was uncomfortable, nerve-wracking, and thrilling. Countless adjectives aside, it was undeniably one of the most exhilarating experiences of my time in Jordan.

As we finally reached the bottom, I couldn’t help but grin. I smiled from the adrenaline rush, delighted by the inspiring views I’d just witnessed firsthand. And I smiled knowing in that instant that I would happily do it all over again without hesitation.

I also chuckled at the thought that Liz & Nate were just about to face that same slippery slope I had just navigated.

Riding a donkey down from the upper viewing points of Petra’s Treasury is a thrilling experience—equal parts terrifying and immensely satisfying—that must be experienced firsthand.

Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!


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