Navigating Awkward Moments While Traveling Alone


One way to avoid feeling awkward while traveling solo is to engage with enthusiasm.

Traveling solo can sometimes feel awkward.

You may find yourself feeling out of place on a tour, struggling to join a conversation at a hostel, or facing intrusive questions that could jeopardize your safety.

Fortunately, there are strategies to navigate these situations. Below, I share a personal experience of how I handled curious inquiries, followed by tips for managing uncomfortable solo travel encounters and responding to intrusive questions.

With practice, these tactics will become second nature. However, if you haven’t yet faced these situations or questions, it’s beneficial to learn these strategies for your enjoyment and safety.

Meeting people in a pub, or enjoying the pleasant weather in the UK and Ireland, brings everyone outside with their drinks.

A Good Answer to an Awkward Question Keeps Me Safe

While sitting in a pub in the Lake District one day, someone inquired about my accommodation. I shared the location without providing any specific details, and that was the end of it.

A few days later, I encountered the same individuals at the same pub. They expressed their curiosity about how I felt secure while traveling alone. I replied that I had developed certain skills, such as keeping crucial information to myself.

They looked puzzled at first, but then I reminded them of our previous conversation when they had asked about my accommodations. They acknowledged they did not actually know where I was staying, which led them to appreciate that I had some tricks up my sleeve for staying safe.

These are skills that I encourage you to cultivate as well.

Taking a selfie like this one helps avoid awkward solo travel situations
Taking a selfie like this one helps avoid awkward solo travel situations
Learning to take your own photo can help avoid awkward situations.

Strategies for Navigating Awkward Solo Travel Situations

Here are a few common awkward situations solo travelers face, along with suggestions for handling them:

  • Eating alone. For some individuals, dining by themselves can be uncomfortable, while others find it trivial. If you feel self-conscious about eating alone in a restaurant, bring along a book or find something interesting to scroll through on your phone. Alternatively, check out “Eating Alone is Easy When You Know How” for some fun approaches.
  • Handling unwanted attention. Though it doesn’t occur frequently, unwanted attention can arise depending on the location. If you’re attending a live music event, you may attract unwanted attention. Similarly, in regions where many people hustle to gain tourist business, you might be overwhelmed. In these cases, stand tall and exude confidence; this can dissuade unwanted encounters or help you manage them if they arise. Consult “Solo Travel Confidence: How to Be Strong, Capable, and Safe” for more insights.
  • Being the only solo traveler on a tour. Many individuals worry about being the only solo participant on a tour. However, with numerous companies catering to solo travelers, this concern is becoming less relevant. Explore our curated list of companies and tours designed specifically for solo travelers.
  • Managing your luggage. Sometimes, it’s inconvenient to lug around your bags while you dash to the restroom or pop into a shop. This can be tricky since unattended luggage often raises questions. Choose your luggage wisely and pack accordingly. For tips on packing light and creating a comfortable travel wardrobe, check out “Carry-On Packing List: This Is How to Pack Light and How to Plan Your Travel Wardrobe for Comfort and Style.”
  • Getting a good picture of yourself. This can be approached in various ways. You could seize the chance to meet someone by asking them to take your photo—it could lead to a great picture and a potential coffee companion. On the other hand, you might end up with a poor photo and no one of interest. Considering the number of well-meaning but unskilled photographers I’ve encountered, I often decline such offers. Mastering the art of the selfie is certainly beneficial. For tips, check out “How to Take a Great Selfie and Why,” or gather additional insights from Shivya Nath.

Feel empowered by mastering how to respond to those awkward questions.

Polite Responses to Uncomfortable Questions

Most questions I receive while traveling stem from curiosity and are well-intentioned. However, occasionally, inquiries may have ulterior motives, and my responses might be overheard by someone inappropriate. Therefore, when faced with awkward questions, I prioritize safety.

  • Where are you staying? “In the ____ district.” This response is informative but vague enough to protect your privacy. You could also mention how the B&B owner has been very welcoming to you. This shifts the conversation in a new direction.
  • Can I drive/walk you to your hotel? “Thanks, but I’ve already called a cab.” If you anticipate this situation, consider calling a cab during a bathroom break before the question arises. This way, you can express your gratitude without accepting the ride, keeping your travel details private.
  • Are you really traveling alone? “Yes, I’m well-prepared. I check in with family regularly and have ample support for my safety.” This conveys that people are aware of your whereabouts.
  • What are you up to this evening? “I have plans.” Keep your response open-ended to avoid spending the evening with the person in question. If you’d like to meet them, suggest a public location away from your accommodations and return via taxi.
  • How old are you? (or a similar variation) “Old enough.” Young and older travelers can attract unwanted attention, so frame yourself as being in your 30s, 40s, or 50s.

If someone persists with their inquiries despite your polite answers, reassess their intentions. If they continue to press for information, assertively state that you don’t disclose such details to newly acquainted individuals.

For additional safety tips, check out these articles:

Last updated: 2nd October, 2024


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