Solo Getaways: How Traveling Alone Can Strengthen Your Relationships


While partners share similar interests, they also have unique ones. It’s essential to take time to explore those differences through separate vacations.

Many happy couples choose to take separate vacations. Travel offers each person the chance to pursue individual goals, allowing them to return to the relationship refreshed and full of stories from personal adventures.

Solo vacations provide an opportunity for both partners to grow individually. Whether one explores an archive while the other goes fishing, or one hikes while the other enjoys an architectural tour, each returns enriched with new experiences, perspectives, and confidence.

Having embarked on solo journeys, you both return with fresh insights, seeing the world anew—and seeing each other in a different light. This form of travel can help to rekindle the spark in your relationship by awakening new passions within you.

However, separate vacations can also present challenges. Here are some potential issues and suggestions for addressing them.

Aerial view of Plitvice Lakes
My husband often jokes that I allowed him to join me on our honeymoon. Yet, we took a day apart; I wanted to visit Plitvice Lakes while he chose not to. We enjoyed our separate adventures and had much to share over dinner.

How to Discuss Your Desire for a Solo Vacation

Some couples may consider separate vacations simply because they have different interests, while others might question whether it’s a suitable choice for their relationship. If one partner is interested in solo travel but hasn’t expressed it, here are some strategies for bringing up the topic.

1. Ensure Your Relationship is Strong.

It’s not advisable to suggest solo travel during difficult times in your relationship. Your partner may feel threatened, leading to heated discussions. Although solo travel can enhance a relationship, pursuing it without your partner’s support may lead to further complications. It’s generally better to address relationship issues before considering solo vacations.

2. Approach the Topic Gradually.

Casually bring up the idea of spending some time alone well before the serious discussion. Start by expressing a desire for a few hours or a day to yourself and gradually introduce the notion of wanting to travel solo.

3. Make it a Collaborative Decision.

Allow the idea of separate vacations to evolve naturally, considering both your partner’s interests and your own.

4. Select a Destination Your Partner Isn’t Interested In.

Discuss locations that appeal specifically to you, ensuring you’re not denying your partner an experience they would genuinely enjoy.

5. Clearly Articulate Your Reasons for Traveling Solo.

If you wish to travel solo because you enjoy activities that don’t interest your partner, it’s straightforward to explain. However, if you simply need some personal time, be thoughtful and reassuring in your explanation to avoid making your partner feel insecure. Honesty in your reasons will help foster understanding.

6. Discuss What You Hope to Gain for Your Relationship.

Emphasize that your intention is to enrich both your life and your relationship through solo travel. Communicate that both aspects are equally important to you.

Man spinning a globe and woman working at her laptop, indicating travel planning without a partner

How to Plan Your Separate Vacations

Here are some tips for effectively planning your separate vacations.

1. Agree on Timing Together.

Decide whether to travel at the same time or on different dates together. Be clear about your plans, including departure and return times.

2. Determine How Much You’ll Stay in Touch.

Discuss how often you’d like to connect during your trips. Some couples prefer daily check-ins, while others may want to disconnect entirely until their reunion. Aim for a compromise that works for both of you.

3. Keep Each Other Informed About Your Plans.

Share your travel itinerary with your partner, including accommodations and any changes. It’s important for both to feel secure about each other’s safety.

4. Enjoy Your Experience Without Documenting Everything.

Allow yourself to immerse in the experience rather than feeling obligated to capture every moment. You’ll have plenty of meaningful stories to share upon your return.

5. Don’t Preoccupy Yourself with Home Life While Away.

Focus on your journey and free yourself from daily responsibilities to truly enjoy solo travel.

6. Share Stories Upon Your Return.

Take an interest in each other’s experiences when you reunite. Even if you’re not particularly interested in their itinerary, showing genuine interest fosters connection.

Resources for Planning Your Separate Vacations

With over 800 posts on this site, it can be overwhelming to choose just a few helpful resources for your travel planning. However, this list should provide a solid starting point.

Take separate vacations to gain new perspectives
Experience personal growth, new interests, and fresh insights through solo travel and separate vacations.

The Benefits of Separate Vacations for Your Relationship

Why embark on solo journeys while in a relationship? What advantages does traveling without your partner offer? Here are some benefits to consider:

1. Enjoy Freedom from Guilt.

Many partners may not have an interest in traveling. By choosing to travel solo, you relieve them of the burden of feeling guilty about holding you back.

2. Enhance Your Happiness.

Your happiness can significantly impact those around you. Travel solo, return invigorated, and spread those positive vibes!

3. Use Separate Vacations to Recharge.

If you are responsible for caring for others—like children, parents, or friends—taking some time for solo travel allows you to prioritize your well-being, ultimately making you a better caregiver.

4. Avoid Frustration from Compromise.

Traveling with others often requires compromise. If you find your travel preferences are consistently unmet, consider traveling alone instead, ensuring your trip aligns with what you truly want.

5. Make Solo Travel a Gift to Others.

Sometimes, taking personal time can be a generous act towards your loved ones, especially if you often dedicate large portions of your time to them. A little self-care can refresh your energy and allow you to be more present for others.

6. Acknowledge That Guilt is Unnecessary.

Those who often feel guilty tend to have the least reason to feel that way. If you are naturally a caregiver or find yourself in such roles, taking time for yourself may feel challenging. Learn to prioritize yourself without the weight of guilt—it’s perfectly okay.

Remember, solo time is not selfish; it is essential. Embrace it.

Last updated: 28th August, 2024


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