Helpful Tips for Traveling by Plane During the Coronavirus Outbreak – Business Travel Life


Smart Travel Tips for Flying During the Coronavirus Pandemic

As a frequent traveler, I take between one and four flights each month. Over the years, I developed a tendency to be cautious about germs, and lately, it feels like every news story is designed to make us want to stay home. While the safest choice might seem to be staying indoors, that’s not a practical option for everyone, including myself. It’s essential to stay informed, make wise decisions, and take sensible precautions rather than live in fear.

When concerns about the coronavirus began to rise, I conducted my own research, consulting both national and international health sources and discussing the situation with friends who are doctors and scientists. Staying informed is an ongoing journey, and my comfort level has adapted along the way. With that in mind, here’s a list of steps I personally take to reduce my risk of illness while flying. I’m not advising anyone else to do the same—this is simply what I choose to do on my flights right now.

Practical Tips for Flying During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Wear Glasses: I’ve learned that it’s easy to unconsciously touch your eyes more than your mouth. To reduce that risk, I wear glasses. Bonus – they help block blue light, making it easier to rest during the flight.

Avoid Snacks: I skip the snacks provided during the flight. Eating requires touching your mouth, even slightly. You can easily go a few hours without a snack (although we often feel conditioned to want one). Unless it’s a long-haul flight, I choose to fast while onboard. Think about it: How many people and surfaces has the flight attendant touched by the time you get your snack? Alternative: Bring your own snacks and sanitize your hands before eating them.

Skip the Drinks: I also refrain from ordering drinks. I carry my own water bottle to stay hydrated for the same reasons mentioned above.

Hand Washing and Sanitizing: Generally, I’m not a huge fan of hand sanitizer (I prefer soap and water), but I’ve started using it and antibacterial wipes to clean my seat area, armrests, tray tables, and seat belt buckles. I make sure to wash my hands before, during (if I touch something questionable or my face), and after the flight whenever possible.

Boost Vitamin C Intake: I’ve been increasing my vitamin C intake lately. Do your own research and decide what’s best for you, but I’m exceeding the daily recommended dose. I keep Emergen-C packs in every corner of my travel bag and add foods high in vitamin C to my diet.

Prioritize Sleep: Perhaps the most important thing I’m doing to maintain my health is focusing on sleep – both on flights and in general. If I’m asleep on the plane, I’m less likely to touch my face or eat, and instead, I’m actively helping my immune system recover, likely more beneficial than any supplement.

My sleep strategy during flights involves walking around the airport while waiting to board (rather than sitting at the gate), which helps me feel tired and relaxed by the time I’m on the plane. Wearing blue light-blocking glasses a few hours before the flight signals to my body that it’s time to rest.

And my secret for better sleep? Half a serving of Beam Dream before takeoff. I just ask for hot water at a coffee shop, mix half a scoop of Beam into it, and stir (no blender needed as it dissolves). I’m petite, so half a scoop works wonders for me, but others might want to find their ideal dose. Pro tip for ordering: request “no lid” since their hands, which have touched money and germs, will contact the lid that goes to your mouth. Instead, grab a lid from the cream and sugar station.

Final Thoughts:
While I’m not completely avoiding airports and large gatherings, I am being extra cautious about the factors I can control to remain healthy.

Do you have any tips for flying during the coronavirus pandemic? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

About Business Travel Life

Business Travel Life is an online platform dedicated to supporting the lifestyles of business travelers. We provide resources to help maintain wellness and productivity on the road. Topics we cover include travel tips, workout routines, healthy travel hacks, product recommendations, general travel advice, and industry trends. Our mission is to make business travel healthier and promote accessible healthy practices for all travelers.

Julie Anne Cormier Insta->@JulieAnneFrenchFry
Julie Anne Cormier Insta->@JulieAnneFrenchFry

Julie Anne Cormier Insta->@JulieAnneFrenchFry

Julie Anne Cormier is a frequent flyer and environmentalist collaborating with energy companies worldwide to reduce air pollution. She also takes time to travel for leisure, seeking out the most stunning oceans, beaches, and underwater reefs. Follow her on Instagram: @JulieAnneFrenchFry


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