Let’s Be Honest! | The Great Canadian Travel Co.


We want to share a vision with you.

Picture this: you’re at a gathering with a mix of friends and acquaintances, around 15-20 people in total. Just as your stomach starts to rumble, someone unveils a large, multi-layered cake topped with a rich chocolate buttercream frosting. Instantly, the room fills with ooh’s and ahh’s! However, someone quickly points out a significant issue: the venue has only 2 forks, a few plates, and no knife to cut the cake. This magnificent cake is definitely big enough to satisfy everyone, but without the right tools, how can you share this delightful treat with all your friends?

If you haven’t caught on yet, we’re not just talking about cake—although it does sound delicious right about now, doesn’t it?

The travel industry has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, experiencing greater disruptions than many other sectors. Airlines, hotels, and travel agencies have had to significantly cut back on their operations and lay off staff. Consequently, the industry faces substantial financial and workforce losses and continues to grapple with ongoing challenges. Yet, global tourism in 2023 is projected to rebound to about 80% to 95% of pre-pandemic levels, as reported by the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s tourism recovery outlook. While this is encouraging, the path to recovery remains difficult, and this is where our cake analogy illustrates the situation perfectly.

Many of you have likely felt this firsthand if you’ve traveled in the past year. “We’re seeing flight cancellations because only about 50% of the seats are filled, and tickets are being merged with other flights that have similarly low occupancy,” says Shauna Cook, one of our Travel Consultants specializing in northern Canadian destinations like Churchill, MB, and Scandinavian countries. “In some instances, my clients have been waiting for over an hour for their luggage, which is understandable given that airports and airlines are still facing staffing shortages, but it can be incredibly frustrating for travelers.”

The aviation sector operates under strict regulations. Commercial aircraft must adhere to the Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP) established by Transport Canada Civil Aviation Directorate (TCCA). This program mandates that aircraft undergo regular inspections—commonly known as “checks”—to ensure they meet safety standards. Due to these regulations and a shortage of qualified personnel to perform these checks, a backlog of planes is waiting to be certified before they can take to the skies. These factors contribute to reduced availability and often higher ticket prices.

Moreover, it’s not just the airline industry feeling the strain of increased demand and low staffing. Many hotels have had to scale back their housekeeping services, some hotel restaurants have reduced their operating hours and menus, and the overall quality of service may be suffering as employees take on longer hours and additional responsibilities compared to pre-pandemic times. Currently, the global number of travel agents has dropped by roughly one-third since 2019.

At our agency, we have always prioritized transparency and honesty. We are grateful and excited to be receiving increased business; however, the reality is that we are struggling to manage the workload. You may have noticed the message on our website’s homepage:

“Due to overwhelming demand, our travel agency is unable to process requests as usual. We are working diligently to accommodate everyone, but the volume of requests has become too high for us to handle efficiently.”

While the global travel agent workforce has shrunk significantly since 2019, there is good news ahead. Using a travel agency in this post-(are we calling it that yet?) pandemic world offers numerous advantages, including access to current information on travel restrictions and safety protocols, support with rebooking or canceling trips if needed, personalized travel planning and recommendations, and potentially better deals and discounts. Travel agents can also save you time and provide peace of mind by handling all the trip’s details and logistics, allowing you to focus on truly enjoying your vacation. Starting a career in the travel industry is a fantastic opportunity, and this is widely recognized.

We appreciate your patience as we work diligently to ensure our valued customers reach their desired destinations. Together, let’s revive this industry so that everyone who wants a piece of cake can get one!


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