Building Friendships and Enjoying Life: A Conversation with Nick Gray – CHUBBY DIARIES


Nick Gray, the Founder of Museum Hack, Offers Unique Museum Tours

Nick Gray is the visionary behind Museum Hack, a company that specializes in unconventional museum tours. He is dedicated to helping people forge new friendships, expand their networks, and enrich their lives. Recently, he published a book titled The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, which provides insights on how to host more gatherings and foster connections. Nick is one of my close friends in Austin, and he’s simply a delightful presence. I’m excited to share some of our conversation and what inspires him!

Let’s dive into the world of Nick Gray!

I first met Nick at a gathering hosted by Nomadic Matt, who later invited me to some of his events.

The Importance of Hosting a Party

Did you know that the average American adult hasn’t made a new friend in over three years? That’s astonishing!

Nick aims to assist even the shyest individuals in breaking through superficial social barriers to find and develop authentic connections.

During my podcast interview with Nick, we explored the significance of authenticity, finding success in small business, and living a more fulfilling life.

My goal with this podcast is to provide valuable insights to inspire you to achieve great things, and Nick has some amazing advice to share today.

Nick and I in Austin, Texas.

The Value of Transparency and Authenticity

When I inquired about what motivates him in his mission to connect people, Nick shared a personal story about making friends in a big city.

“I lived in New York for 13 years and struggled to make friends. I read somewhere that you could just walk up to people and say, ‘Hey, what’s up? Are you guys friendly?’”

“It might sound silly now, but surprisingly, it works. People are hesitant to say they’re unfriendly!”

“I genuinely enjoy meeting new people. I focus on how I can provide value before seeking anything in return. My goal is to assist them before considering how they might help me.”

Nick hosts incredible gatherings, always utilizing name tags.

What role does authenticity play in your brand?

Nick discovered the necessity of being genuine and transparent through social media. Sharing real experiences, like his balding situation, often sparks numerous private conversations, while few are willing to engage publicly due to embarrassment.

“So many online personalities present themselves as impressive figures. Genuine individuals can see through the façade. I’m not perfect; I have bad days too—skin issues and hair loss, just like anyone else…”
Key takeaway: Authenticity both online and in real life makes it easier to build friendships. Being real fosters relatability, resonating with others.

You Become Who You Surround Yourself With

One of the things I admire most about Nick is his eagerness to connect with new people and learn from them.

Jim Rohn once said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Nick and I both agree wholeheartedly with this statement!

The individuals we surround ourselves with can significantly influence our growth. It’s crucial to consider who we spend our time with.

“We can choose our friends, and those we surround ourselves with shape us. Therefore, it’s vital to evaluate how much value these relationships bring to your life. Are they enriching your existence or draining it? That’s a tough truth to confront.”

Are your friends adding value to your life, or taking away from it?
Takeaway: Nurture a supportive friend circle and learn how to create relationships that inspire you.

The 2-Hour Cocktail Party

Regarding building new relationships and expanding your network, Nick’s book The 2-Hour Cocktail Party contains everything you need to host transformative gatherings for yourself and your guests.

Through his extensive experience in hosting parties at home, Nick has mastered the social dynamics involved.

He meticulously compiled his insights in the book to help you grow your network and connect others with new acquaintances as well.

The Ultimate Party Formula

Nick’s book presents several expert tips that define a successful gathering.

When hosting a party, aim for these four objectives:

Find The 2-Hour Cocktail Party on Amazon, Audible, and all major online bookstores.

Embracing More Fun in Life

When I asked Nick about his ambitions for the year, he expressed his desire to live life more vibrantly.

“I want to engage in experiences that are more lively and challenging.”

His motto is: If something isn’t enjoyable, find a way to make it fun, or simply move on!

“Imagine you’re watching a movie with a friend, and halfway through, you realize it’s not great. You have two options: either tough it out or speak up. You could say, ‘Hey, this isn’t enjoyable, shall we leave?’”

Final Thoughts

Anyone can become a pivotal part of their community or neighborhood. One effective way to achieve this is by hosting gatherings.

Learning to bring people together starts with organizing a simple two-hour party.

If you’d like real-time party planning advice, connect with Nick Gray directly!

Podcast Transcript

Jeff: Nick, I’m thrilled to have you here today. You’re one of my close friends in Austin, and I mentioned before we started recording that your positivity and vibrant personality always bring great energy into any setting. So, welcome, Nick!

Nick: Thank you! I’m excited to be here and hope everyone listening finds value in our conversation today. I’m here to share and contribute.

Jeff: That aligns perfectly with the podcast’s goal—to inspire listeners to achieve greatness. I’m sure Nick will share some great insights today.

Jeff: Nick, you’re always open to new connections and prioritize showcasing your life openly. How has transparency and authenticity shaped your personal brand?

Nick: Honestly, I’m just tired of encountering so many inauthentic individuals. I’ve realized the importance of seeking genuine connections. I’m always on the lookout for friends who can enrich my life; you’ve taught me valuable lessons, and so has Matt from Nomadic Matt’s community. Building connections is the core of this.

Nick: Regarding transparency… do you want me to elaborate? This goes hand in hand with authenticity.

Jeff: Yes, definitely! Please share your thoughts.

Nick: I’m so glad you asked. On social media, I often talk about my hair loss or other personal challenges I face and it resonates with many. People send messages, maybe embarrassed to comment publicly, showing that we all have our struggles.

Jeff: That transparency fosters connection, allowing others to relate. I also connect with similar experiences about body positivity in travel. You’ve mentioned your personal journey with forging strong networks; can you share how you’ve leveraged that authenticity in your work?

Nick: My journey in New York was crucial; I struggled to form connections for years. One day, I read advice about approaching strangers and asking, ‘Are you guys friendly?’ Sure, it sounds silly, but it opens the door to new friendships. My focus has always been on providing value before seeking something back. Getting to know others starts with giving, which has served me well in building my network.

Jeff: That wisdom resonates. Looking back, can you share a challenge you faced early in your entrepreneurial journey?

Nick: Absolutely! When I launched Museum Hack, I didn’t charge what I was worth. Initially, I hesitated to raise my prices despite feedback urging me to do so. I wish I’d recognized my value earlier.

Jeff: How did you eventually navigate that challenge?

Nick: It took time. I worked diligently as a tour guide on weekends and learnt my craft deeply before transitioning to a full business model. Once I had refined my skills, I felt right raising my prices because I knew my worth.

Jeff: That’s an invaluable lesson. For listeners, understanding your worth and embracing consistent growth is crucial. Have you thought about where you envisioned yourself years back?

Nick: Honestly, no. I’m a 40-year-old single man, so I didn’t foresee being here right now! I’m often poking fun at my situation, claiming that all I’ve got left is my Tesla.

Jeff: It’s great that you’ve achieved so much so far! Now that you’re on this path, how do you choose your next ventures or projects?

Nick: Well, I don’t dabble in angel investing, but I believe that investing in oneself is paramount. Consider also investing in index funds rather than stock picking. When deciding to collaborate, I look for hardworking, grounded individuals rather than flashy personas.

Jeff: It’s refreshing to hear about the importance of humility and authenticity. You exemplify these values in your circle of friends. About your transition after selling your first business, how was that experience?

Nick: Selling a business can be surreal. One moment, you’re a leader with employees, and the next, you no longer have keys or responsibilities. The freedom afterward is astounding but also strange, as you now have to redefine your day-to-day.

Jeff: As we wind down to our final two questions, can you share what you’re most proud of in your journey?

Nick: I’m proud of my role in transforming the perception of museums. When I started my museum business, museums weren’t as appealing as they are today. I was fortunate to work with brilliant people who helped reshape the museum experience.

Jeff: That’s commendable. Finally, what inspires you to achieve your goals this year?

Nick: I aim to embrace life with more spontaneity. I want to have memorable interactions, even if it means taking the unconventional route in social situations.

Jeff: I love that perspective! Any words of encouragement for our audience before we wrap up?

Nick: Always cherish moments with your loved ones. I attended a funeral recently, and it reminded me of the importance of capturing memories with family and friends. Setting up a camera and recording those stories allows us to hold on to precious moments.

Jeff: Wise words to live by! Thank you for joining us today, Nick. Any final shout-outs?

Nick: I’m promoting my new book that teaches you how to create two-hour cocktail parties! Feel free to email me at for a PDF. I’m eager to connect!

Jeff: Thanks again, Nick! We’ll ensure everyone has access to your resources and book release.

Nick: Appreciate it, Jeff! Great chatting!

Jeff: Likewise!


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