
Sorrento’s Beaches: An American’s Experience in Rome

Many travelers often confuse Sorrento with the Amalfi Coast due to their proximity. However, Sorrento is its own distinct...

Explore Beer Tours in Sicily

Explore Sicily’s hidden treasures of art, culture, and natural beauty, along with top-tier craft breweries. Guided by Naike Mulas and Andrea Camaschella, co-authors...

Starting Your Own Journey in Hospitality: A Guide by SHE GO WANDERING

In today’s world, exploring promising career opportunities would be incomplete without considering hospitality entrepreneurship. This sector plays a crucial...

The Medici Villa at Poggio Imperiale – A Relaxed Tour of Italy

Another remarkable Medici villa located in Tuscany This article about the Medici Villa of Poggio Imperiale originally appeared on Italia Slow Tour.


