Exciting Life Update: Come Along with Me to the Arctic!


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I’ve openly admitted my growing fascination with polar exploration over the years.

In fact, my passion has led me to become an expedition guide, spending about half the year at sea in Antarctica and the Arctic. I have no plans to slow down anytime soon; I’ve already kicked off a new three-month season with Adventure Canada in the Arctic, focusing on trips to Canada and Greenland this summer.

The polar regions are often difficult to reach. The most practical way to explore them is by expedition ship. For most of the year, sea ice covers the Arctic, restricting access. It’s only during a few brief months in the summer that the ice melts enough to allow entry. Most travelers use small planes, boats, or snowmobiles during winter months. Personally, I find this seclusion utterly captivating.

The scenery here is remarkable: whales swim past regularly, and polar bears peek out from the ice. Vibrant local communities provide the warmest welcomes. The Arctic is expansive, wild, and full of surprises—it truly gets under your skin.

If you’re eager to visit, fill out this form, and I’ll assist you in planning your dream trip!

Travel to the Arctic

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on my journey through blogging, writing, and photography. I’ve successfully created a career that allows me to travel the globe and share my experiences. However, I must admit that I’ve felt somewhat disheartened since the pandemic. The hustle culture has exhausted me, and the relentless competition has taken a toll on my mental health and creativity.

Nonetheless, I wouldn’t change my past experiences for anything. I’ve evolved and am now eager to embark on a new journey: guiding.

Simply visiting and writing about the Arctic isn’t enough for me anymore. I crave the sense of teamwork and community that comes with guiding. Adventure Canada feels like family to me. Founded by three siblings, with roots tracing back to their father, uncle, and a family friend, stepping aboard their ship instantly fosters a unique connection. The same guides return each year, making it feel like a summer camp reunion. Similarly, many passengers are returning travelers, demonstrating a remarkable loyalty that cannot be fabricated.

Travel to the Arctic

Travel to the Arctic

Travel to the Arctic

I know it may sound cliché, but working in the Arctic fulfills me in ways I never imagined. The work is challenging, but the rewards are immense. I feel like I truly belong here. It’s an environment I deeply understand, and I’m enthusiastic about sharing it with others.

Whether I’m navigating Zodiacs around towering icebergs, scanning for wildlife from the ship’s bridge with binoculars, or enjoying evenings filled with live music as we journey to our next destination, I feel a profound happiness. Last year on a single trip, I spotted 20 polar bears, including a mother and her cubs feeding on a beluga whale. I walked on sea ice and retraced Franklin’s footsteps on Beechey Island before falling asleep beneath the mesmerizing northern lights in Greenland. It’s simply magical!

This past year, I’ve thought deeply about my professional direction and consistently found myself drawn back to polar travel. Consequently, I’ve decided to branch out. Alongside my writing and storytelling, I will start facilitating trips to the polar regions.

Travel to the Arctic

Travel to the Arctic

Travel to the Arctic

If you or someone you know is interested in traveling to the Arctic, I’d love to assist you in finding the ideal trip.

Much like a travel agent, if someone books a trip to the Arctic through my referral, I will earn a small commission. I understand that no one enjoys being sold to; I feel the same way. However, by using my expertise and experiences in the Arctic to help people secure their ideal trip, I hope it will prove valuable. Plus, I will be part of many of the trips, so you can travel alongside me if you wish (I promise I’m fun!).

To be honest, I already find myself doing this kind of work naturally; this just formalizes it a bit. Transparency about this change is extremely important to me. Shifting the way I generate income allows me to step back from the influencer world and focus on what I genuinely love. It will give me the freedom to be creative, playful, and joyful once again. I’ll also have all the opportunities to rave about the polar regions I cherish. Sorry, not sorry!

Travel to the Arctic

Travel to the Arctic

Travel to the Arctic

I promise not to be overly pushy about it!

My approach to connecting people with travel opportunities should feel natural and organic. Perhaps you’ve been following my journey for years and are curious about the polar world I’m so passionate about. Is seeing polar bears in their natural habitat your dream? Maybe you have a relative who loves Inuit art and wants to engage with the most northern communities? Or do you simply want to explore the sea ice and glaciers of Greenland that are rapidly disappearing?

Reach out to me, and I can assist you in turning these dreams into reality. Feel free to share my information or this page with anyone who might be interested.

I care deeply about our polar environments and believe that everyone who visits becomes a lifelong ambassador for these unique regions. We need that advocacy more than ever. Come experience the Arctic—I promise it’s an adventure you won’t regret.

Travel to the Arctic

Travel to the Arctic

Travel to the Arctic


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