Experience Italian Cuisine: A Daily Dining Guide | Discover Italy Beyond the Surface


At Italy Beyond the Obvious, we create personalized itineraries for travelers, with a significant focus on food. We not only recommend great places to eat but also guide you on what to order, when to eat, and how to eat like a local.

When we start discussing dinner plans, we often hear, “Wait, restaurants in Italy don’t serve dinner until after 7:30 PM? We usually eat dinner at 6 PM at home – we’ll be starving by then!”

We completely understand! In North America, dinner is typically much earlier than in Italy. However, if you embrace the Italian dining schedule during your trip, you won’t go hungry. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the local culture and enhance your travel experience!

9 AM: Enjoy Breakfast at the Bar

If breakfast is not included in your hotel stay (though most hotels in Italy do offer it), or if you’re staying in an apartment, we suggest enjoying breakfast at a nearby “bar” (the Italian term for café or coffee shop). You can easily find a bar within a short walking distance, no matter where you are in Italy.

Upon entering an Italian coffee bar, it may seem chaotic at first, so take a moment to observe. You might need to pay at the cash register before ordering your coffee and pastry at the bar, or vice versa.

Don’t be surprised if you don’t see a neat line at the cash register or bar; it tends to be crowded. Be assertive yet friendly, and don’t forget to greet the barista with buongiorno.

An Italian breakfast typically consists of coffee and a pastry. Order your coffee, select a pastry, and if you want to indulge, consider ordering a spremuta, which is freshly squeezed orange juice.

Eat your breakfast standing at the bar. If the bar has seating, feel free to sit, but keep in mind there may be an additional cover charge per person. If you know some Italian, strike up a conversation with the barista for a more authentic experience. For more tips, check out our advice here.

coffee break in Italy

10:30 AM: Take a Coffee Break with a Snack

Visit the nearest bar for a coffee break. For a mid-morning drink, I usually have a cappuccino for breakfast and follow it with a caffè macchiato (espresso with a dash of warm milk) during my coffee break. If I’m feeling peckish, I grab a small panino (the singular form of sandwich in Italian) or a mini pastry.

Be sure to take your time. Smile at the staff and greet them with buongiorno when you enter, grazie when they serve your coffee, and arrivederci as you leave. Although Italian coffee may come in a small cup, it’s meant to be savored, not rushed or taken to go. If you look around, you won’t see anyone carrying coffee on the street.

Lunch in Italy

1 PM: Enjoy a Full Lunch

Most restaurants in Italy open for lunch around noon, with many starting at 12:30 PM. Lunch typically takes place between 1:00 and 2:30 PM, after which restaurants usually close for the afternoon until dinner service begins around 7:30 PM.

Keep in mind that restaurants in Italy aren’t open all day. A sit-down restaurant serving lunch at 3 PM is likely catering to tourists.

For lunch, consider the following options:

  • If you’ve been walking around all morning or if it’s particularly hot outside, make a reservation at a restaurant. This gives you a chance to relax and cool down (just verify that they have air conditioning!). Plus, lunch at a pricier restaurant is often more affordable than dinner, making it a budget-friendly option.
  • If you’re tight on time or have a big dinner planned, opt for a quick lunch. Adventurous eaters should sample local street food or grab a sandwich from a paninoteca. You can also visit a bakery for some delicious pizza al trancio, sold by weight.
  • For something fast and fresh, or if you have children who dislike sitting at restaurants, pick up some bread from a bakery, cheese and prosciutto from a salumeria, and some fruit from a market. Find a green space or a park to enjoy your picnic.
  • For a truly authentic experience, if you know some Italian, book a hot lunch cooked by a local chef through a startup called SoLunch (available in Rome & Milan), or use BonAppetour.
eating like an italian

4 PM: Time for Gelato!

Italians enjoy a 4 PM snack called merenda, typically made up of bread with Nutella, cake, or fruit. This time is also unofficially recognized as gelato time. Visit any Italian town on a warm day, especially near the coast, and you’ll find the local gelateria buzzing with customers.

This is a perfect moment to take a break. However, remember that Italians do not indulge in gelato every day!

aperitivo in italy

6:30 PM: Enjoy Aperitivo with Sips and Nibbles

While I cherish my morning cappuccino, the aperitivo hour is my favorite time of day. If you want to dine like a local, don’t miss this pre-dinner tradition. After a substantial lunch at 1:30 PM and a snack at 4 PM, you may feel a little hungry around 6 PM and appreciate a light bite before the late dinner.

An aperitivo typically consists of a pre-dinner drink, with Prosecco or an Aperol Spritz being the most common. These drinks, along with cocktails, wine, and non-alcoholic options, are served in bars and cafés across Italy, often accompanied by small snacks. It’s a time when locals gather to meet friends, unwind, and enjoy each other’s company.

The type of food served with aperitivos can vary from place to place. Some offer simple snacks like potato chips and olives, while others provide a more generous buffet. If you choose an aperitivo spot that offers a buffet (which we highly recommend!), keep the following in mind:

  • The buffet is included in the price of the drink, though drinks tend to be more expensive. If you only want a drink without the food, opt for a place that doesn’t have a buffet.
  • Though the buffet could easily serve as dinner, keep in mind that the plates are small. Italians usually take one modest plate of food per drink and savor it slowly. If you order another drink, you can return for a second plate.

When my kids were younger and feeling jet-lagged or unable to stay awake until dinner, we sometimes used aperitivo hour for their meal. They would enjoy gelato afterwards, making them happy and ready for bedtime.

dinner in Italy

8:30 PM: Savor a Late Dinner

Whether you’re choosing a pizzeria, trattoria, osteria, ristorante, taverna, or even a Michelin-starred establishment, aim to make your dinner reservation for around 8:30 PM or even later. Many of our travelers at Italy Beyond the Obvious wonder if 7:30 PM is already too late for dinner, and often ask us to book a table for the restaurant’s opening time. While this is certainly doable, be prepared for an “early bird” vibe.

Here’s how to dine like a local at dinner:

  • Order dishes that are local and in season.
  • Take your time to enjoy your meal and wine. There is no rush, and restaurants are not looking to turn over tables (the staff should inform you if someone has booked a table after you).
  • Don’t feel obligated to order a first course (primo) in addition to a second course (secondo). Many Italians choose just one or the other, along with sides or salad.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask the servers about the ingredients in your dish. Italian cuisine usually features just a few ingredients, and Italians love discussing food. If you have allergies or dietary preferences, your server will be happy to assist.
  • If you’ve enjoyed a substantial meal, consider sipping a digestivo, a liqueur that helps with digestion. I love asking for a locally made digestivo, but any “amaro” will do just fine.

By following these tips and embracing the Italian dining culture during your travels, you’ll blend in with the locals, enjoy an array of delicious foods, and avoid finding restaurants closed when you’re craving a bite to eat.

Planning your culinary journey is the final touch in our Italy Travel Planning Services. We craft comprehensive itineraries, recommend and secure accommodations, arrange guides and tours, and handle logistics. Don’t hesitate to contact us – we’d be delighted to help!


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