How to Make the Most of Instagram’s Enhanced Tailwind Features


Your comprehensive guide to using Tailwind for Instagram

You’ve launched a new Instagram account for your business, and while you’re sharing fantastic photos, your follower count and engagement are surprisingly low. Zilch. Nothing. You might be wondering, “What am I doing wrong?” How do so many other accounts manage to rack up tens of thousands of followers while you’re still trying to reach your first 1,000?

The answer is straightforward: consistent posting and engagement on Instagram are crucial for growing your audience.

What is Tailwind for Instagram?

Tailwind is an automation tool that helps you save time by scheduling and planning your Instagram posts. Have you ever wondered how some accounts curate their feeds so perfectly with quirky captions? It’s unlikely they come up with those ideas on the fly while staring at their screens. Most brands utilize scheduling tools to release content at optimal times for their audience.

Let me tell you, if you’re eager to grow your Instagram account, Tailwind is a game-changer! Its array of features automates many of the tedious tasks involved in managing an Instagram account. Seriously. I can’t believe how many hours I spent manually growing my Instagram account in its early days!

Affiliate Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

My Personal Experience with Tailwind

I absolutely love Tailwind! I’ve been using it successfully for years to grow my Pinterest account. In fact, I was one of the early adopters of Tailwind and hold a grandfathered account! I also manage two active Tailwind Tribes for Pinterest. If you share content about Asia travel or are a travel blogger with a strong Pinterest following, feel free to join my Tailwind tribes!

What I appreciate most is how Tailwind continuously keeps up with trends in social media marketing by integrating best practices into their tools, helping users save time.

You can currently try Tailwind for free by clicking this link for your first 30 Instagram posts. Keep in mind that this free trial isn’t time-limited, so you can use those 30 Instagram posts at your convenience.

Tailwind for Instagram

How Often Should I Post on Instagram?

The best practice is to post at least once a day, ideally at the optimal time for your audience. Identifying that perfect timing will help you drive traffic and engagement, ultimately increasing your exposure.

Your next question is likely how to determine the optimal posting time for Instagram. The answer may not be straightforward, and that’s where Tailwind can assist you in discovering the best times for your account.

New Features of Tailwind for Instagram

Tailwind for Instagram has evolved significantly over the years, enhancing its integration with the platform. I utilized it during a year of travel to maintain my account while on the move, though I encountered some challenges with the service at that time. However, many improvements have now been implemented.

Note: Tailwind works best with Instagram Business accounts, as it provides access to analytics and supports auto-publishing through the tool.

Why Tailwind is Beneficial for Instagram

I’ve heard several people mention their daily commitment to posting on Instagram. While that dedication is admirable, there are more efficient methods to manage it.

Wouldn’t it be more convenient to write all your captions and schedule your stories and posts in one sitting? Imagine dedicating just one hour per week to plan your content for the next two weeks instead of scrambling for ideas on the fly.

This is precisely why Tailwind offers incredible features designed to facilitate your account growth. Tailwind allows you to:

  • Visually plan your feed with a drag-and-drop grid planner, focusing on your grid’s aesthetics!
  • Drive more traffic to your website with their auto-updating Bio Link.
  • Streamline your workflow by consolidating all Instagram tasks into one session! You can tag users, locations, add hashtags, crop photos, and schedule videos and stories all at once, making Instagram less of a chore!
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The Bio Link feature provides followers quick access to the links I reference in my Instagram posts.


New on Tailwind for Instagram! Create Content Plans Within the Platform

While it’s essential to post visually appealing photos that maintain a cohesive grid, it’s equally important to craft witty captions to complement those images! Trust me, generating captions is no easy task, and sometimes it can be quite a challenge to find the right words to match your photo!

The best part of the new features in Tailwind is that you can devise captions in a more organized manner. For instance, Tailwind now offers a Mad Libs feature for your Instagram account to simplify caption creation. You can also color-code your plans to enhance grid organization.

Once your images, videos, and captions are prepared, everything can be auto-published on Instagram.

Drag-and-Drop Scheduling for Your Instagram Grid with Tailwind

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An example of an unorganized grid! With Tailwind, I can arrange the photos until I achieve the desired look.

Another fantastic feature of Tailwind is that it enables you to create a visually appealing feed with its preview capability. You can easily rearrange images and adjust their positioning to achieve a polished grid. It’s essential to focus on your grid’s presentation!

Optimally Publishing Instagram Posts with Tailwind’s SmartSchedule

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Tailwind’s SmartSchedule helps you determine the best times to post on Instagram.

As I’ve mentioned, not only is it important to post at least once a day, but it’s also crucial to do so at optimal times. Tailwind leverages an algorithm to identify when your audience is most engaged and suggests timing for scheduling your posts.

Utilize the Hashtag Finder and Hidden Hashtags to Attract the Right Followers with Tailwind for Instagram

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The hashtag finder is excellent for identifying suggested hashtags and noting their competitiveness.

Hashtags play a significant role in attracting the right followers. You can use Tailwind’s Hashtag Finder to discover the perfect combination of relevant hashtags to elevate your content visibility among the right audience. One remarkable feature is the option to automatically publish your hashtags in the first comment if you prefer not to include them in your caption! Trust me, this is a game-changer; I often found myself rushing to Instagram to paste hashtags after a scheduled post went live. Having hashtags in the first comment is far more convenient.

You can also save your hashtag lists for future use, eliminating the need to come up with new hashtags every time.

Access Free Stock Photos for Those Days You Need a Great Image to Post on Instagram

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Access professional photos through the Unsplash Integration on Tailwind for Instagram.

The Unsplash integration is fantastic; it allows you to use free stock images for your feed, which is incredibly handy if you’re looking for images to share without worrying about copyright issues.


Using Tailwind for Instagram is invaluable if you want to automate the processes necessary for growing your account. My success with Tailwind on Pinterest leads me to believe you can achieve similar results with Tailwind for Instagram.


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