Your Complete Guide to Booking Phuket Tours


Experience unforgettable destinations on Phuket tours, including James Bond Island.

If you’re finding this guide, you’re probably feeling just as overwhelmed as I was when I first tried to book tours in Phuket. With countless websites and options available online, the process can feel daunting. However, if you look closely, you may discover that the best prices often come from booking tours in person or through an online service like Klook.

But before you proceed, here are some burning questions you might have:

  • Which tour operator is the best choice for my Phuket experience?
  • What’s the best way to book my tours?
  • How can I avoid scams?
  • How do I ensure the safety of my booked tours?
  • Should I book online or in person?

These questions, among many others, often pop up when planning a trip to Phuket. I completely understand how frustrating it can be! I experienced this confusion myself while organizing our trip, which inspired me to create this helpful guide just for you!

Should I book my Phuket tours in person?

If you’re like me and prefer a well-structured vacation, waiting until you arrive to book tours might seem less than ideal. However, there are notable advantages to reserving your excursions in person while in Phuket.

Note: I visited Phuket during the off-peak season (which was intentional) and managed to secure great deals. If you’re traveling during peak season, it might be wise to make advance bookings.

Significant Savings, Up to 50%

The prices listed online can be significantly higher than those you’ll find at local travel kiosks. I’m not sure why this is the case, but in-person bookings can save you up to 50%. The only exception I’ve seen to this is when using Klook, where some prices match what you’ll find in Phuket. For instance, we booked a James Bond Island tour for 2,700 baht for two people (approx. CAD 105 or USD 81 for two). Klook offered a similar tour for $45 USD. If you choose to book online, make sure to research the safety standards of the tour operator before confirming your booking!

Flexibility with In-Person Bookings

When booking in person, you can make reservations as late as 6 PM the day before your tour. This allows you to adjust your plans based on weather conditions, which is crucial when visiting Phuket during the rainy season. After all, would you genuinely enjoy an island-hopping tour in pouring rain?

For us, we initially thought we’d take two full-day tours but decided to book the second one only after completing the first. After our James Bond tour, we realized one sea excursion was sufficient, and we dropped the second plan. Booking in Phuket gave us that flexibility.

How to Shop for Phuket Tours In-Person?

How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

The overwhelming choices can make it challenging to decide!

Upon arrival in Phuket, you’ll encounter countless tour desks throughout the city. Your first experience will likely be in the hotel lobby, surrounded by a mountain of brochures. With so many options available, it’s easy to feel a bit queasy. For instance, different companies may offer similar itineraries but use various types of boats, or they may swap one or two activities around. Frustrating, right? This overwhelming number of choices can make decision-making feel nearly impossible.

Step outside, and you’ll find street vendors every few meters selling the same tours for about 100-200 baht less than hotel prices. Plus, negotiating with street vendors is much easier, especially if you’re looking to book multiple excursions.

How Do Travel Kiosks Operate?

How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

Explore the numerous kiosks offering tours just a short walk away!

When you visit Phuket, you’ll quickly realize there are an overwhelming number of tour kiosks. Each appears to operate independently, likely making arrangements with tour companies on your behalf.

While booking at these kiosks might save you money, the level of customer service is often lacking. Many stands are randomly placed and you may find yourself on your own after booking. While you can ask for a contact number, there’s no guarantee you’ll reach them if issues arise.

What Happens When You Book Phuket Tours In-Person?

Booking processes in Thailand may differ significantly from what you’re used to back home, and this may not become clear until you’re ready to pay.

For instance: My credit card company was perplexed when a kiosk charged my card three times without providing the service.

  1. Locate a trustworthy travel kiosk and browse their pamphlets.
  2. Inform the seller of the tour you’d like to book.
  3. They will make a call to check availability.
  4. Provide your hotel details to the tour company for transportation arrangements.
  5. Make the payment. Cash is often preferred, with some kiosks accepting credit cards with a 3% fee.
  6. Receive a receipt and wait for the bus on the designated tour day.

What If Something Goes Wrong? Who Can You Contact?

This is a crucial question to ponder. After leaving the kiosk, your relationship with the seller is often minimal. They already have your payment, so if something goes awry, the obligation to assist you is typically absent.

In case of a delay or a problem with your pickup, who will you contact? Do you walk back to the kiosk and ask about the situation? If issues arise, holding these vendors accountable can be tricky, as they often lack a substantial online presence.

This is why I recommend booking your tours through a reputable hotel. If you prefer not to book through your hotel, look for another reliable one nearby.

Our Experience with Outstanding Customer Service

How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

We booked our tour at Best Western Patong Beach during our stay in Phuket.

After much consideration, we chosen to book our tour through the hotel after inquiring with a few vendors. The vendor, Siriwan, proved to be incredibly trustworthy and attentive. I had questions about safety, tour details, and service quality, and Siriwan was the only one who provided honest and clear answers. Despite her prices being higher than those outside, her service was outstanding. On the tour day, she kindly informed us about a delay with our driver and ensured we got into the right vehicle upon arrival. She even provided her contact number for assistance, demonstrating her commitment to customer care by working long hours to assist her clients.

While Booking, I Became Very Ill

On the night of our scheduled tour, I fell terribly ill, contemplating whether to cancel everything. Still, I decided to push through, thinking I could rest on the boat if needed.

Unfortunately, a long day under the sun, combined with lack of sleep and my illness, didn’t mix well. Yet, somehow, I made it through.

As I exited the minibus, I saw Siriwan rushing toward me with concern in her eyes, shouting, “Miss Nancy, are you okay?” She noticed our arrival was 30 minutes late and grew anxious about my well-being, having seen how pale I looked earlier that day.

Key Considerations Before Booking Your Phuket Tours

Being prepared will make the decision process smoother (which is why you’re reading this guide!). Below is a list of relevant questions to guide your planning, suitable for both island and land tours.

What Activities Are You Interested In?

How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

Enjoy kayaking on the James Bond Island tour with a skilled captain handling the rowing.

The options for activities in Phuket are virtually endless. Here are just a few examples:

  • ATV Adventures
  • Phuket City Tours
  • Phi Phi Island Excursions
  • James Bond Island Tours
  • Safari Adventures
  • Canoeing
  • Kayaking
  • Snorkeling
  • Island Hopping
  • Rafting
How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

Many tours will include stops for kayaking among caves and small islands.

What Type of Boat Would You Prefer for Your Tour?

The type of boat can play an important role, particularly for island-hopping tours. There are many different vessels available.

How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

Larger boats provide more space, but can also mean more tourists on board.

Long Tail Boats

Long tail boats have large outboard engines, making them less than ideal for open water as they are relatively small. You will often switch from a speedboat to a long tail boat when approaching narrow passages near islands, which are unsuitable for larger vessels. Note that these boats tend to be noisier due to their engine sounds.


Speedboats are the preferred choice for island-hopping tours.

How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

Interior view of the speedboat during the James Bond Island tour.

Cruise Boats

Cruise boats offer a more comfortable experience. They are ideal for those prone to seasickness. However, bear in mind that larger boats also mean more passengers, resulting in a less intimate experience. Cruise boats typically provide a comfortable indoor area to escape the sun.

What About Safety?

Safety is something to take seriously, especially considering the numerous tales of unfortunate events involving boats in Asia. Here are some basic safety concerns to keep in mind:

  • Are the boats properly maintained?
  • Do they have sufficient life jackets easily accessible for passengers?
  • Will the tour be canceled in case of severe weather conditions?
How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

Safety matters! Ensure the availability of life jackets on board any cruise boat.

To uncover these answers, conduct thorough research and read reviews about the tour company. Be cautious if you rely solely on information provided at the travel kiosks, as they may tell you what you want to hear just to secure your business.

What Will It Cost?

While I wouldn’t advise opting for the cheapest option, it’s important to do your homework to ensure you receive fair pricing. You definitely don’t want to overpay for a service that can cost half the price elsewhere.

Which Company Should I Choose to Book My Phuket Tours?

This question can be quite tricky, and it’s best to research beforehand. We didn’t know which tour group to pick and ended up looking for options while in Phuket. That’s not an ideal way to spend your vacation, especially if you’re on a tight schedule. Luckily, we had the time to explore during our extended stay.

If I’m Island Hopping, Should I Book My Tour in Phuket or Another Island?

This is an important consideration since it can save you travel time. For example, we initially planned to visit Phi Phi Island from Phuket but later realized it was more efficient to travel from Ao Nang instead. The journey from Phuket to Phi Phi takes about two hours, while the trip from Krabi is only about 90 minutes.

Affordable Phuket Tours Aren’t Always Safe. Prioritize Safety!

How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

Our English-speaking tour guide ensured everyone wore life jackets on the boat.

When taking day tours to visit islands, safety should be your top priority, especially when navigating open waters fraught with turbulent waves. Choose a provider that prioritizes your safety above all else, not just cost. Trust me, safety standards in Thailand are not always on par with those in Western countries, so it’s crucial to remain vigilant.

Would you rather be on a cramped boat or on a well-maintained vessel with adequate life jackets? Also consider your comfort—some boats may tie life jackets together, making it hard to access them during emergencies, so make sure everything is adequate and accessible.

Furthermore, select companies that are willing to cancel tours in poor weather conditions instead of proceeding regardless. There are far too many reports of boats operating in hazardous weather, endangering passengers. Many operators cram as many people as possible onto their boats to maximize profits, often at the expense of your experience. Since they usually provide complete refunds in bad weather, they don’t gain from operating under unfavorable conditions.

Overview of Tour Prices

Based on my observations, tour prices can range from 800 to 4,000 baht. Day tours to the islands generally fall within the 3,000-4,000 baht range. Don’t be surprised if operators promote “discounts” of around 50-60% off the listed prices, especially during the rainy season. Booking more than two tours may also qualify you for extra discounts!

The Best Way to Book Phuket Tours in Thailand

How To Book Phuket Tours And Have An Amazing Experience | Discover numerous activities in Phuket while avoiding the stress of booking tours. Click here for tips on booking the ideal tours for your vacation or honeymoon! #travel #nomad #lifestyle #destinations #thailand #phuket #slowtravel #wanderlust

Once you’ve booked your tour, it’s time to relax and enjoy the journey ahead!

Now you’re all set to book your first Phuket tour! If you prefer to book online to save time during your trip, consider using Klook, which offers competitive pricing and a hassle-free booking experience in advance.


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This post was first published in January 2018 and updated in March 2020.


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